Host Homes Handbook

A guide to successfully help you move through ideation, implementation and evaluation


Envisioned and co-authored with the expertise of two young people who both have lived experience in host home programs, Mason Persons (he/mason) and Milo Edwards (he/him), and supported by the experience of an older adult, Julia Terry (they/themme), this new handbook is a demonstration of the power of youth-led work, solidarity, and the transformative potential within each of us working together to build strong Host Home program structures by co-creating safe and empowering environments for all young people involved.

Milo and Mason

Mason Persons (he/mason) and Milo Edwards (he/him)

This handbook provides:

An Understanding of the foundational elements of sustainable host homes

Learn about the foundational elements of sustainable programs: youth investment, community-buy in, staff selection and host engagement.

How to Build a strong host homes team

An essential component of success for host home programs is identifying the right people to support implementing this service model. Learn about staffing for fundamental roles, virtual service delivery, and establishing value alignment.

How to center Equity and Affirm Youth Voice

Explore resources on authentic youth leadership, anti-adultism assessments, mental health and safety considerations and more.

Resources to meaningfully engage hosts

Effectively engaging hosts requires creativity and may be challenging. Learn what qualities make for an “ideal host”, engaging hosts whose intersectional identities are reflective of the youth participants, and how to map out ongoing maintenance and support.

a roadmap to Achieving community buy-in

Building community support throughout the inspiration and implementation process of a Host home program centers the program sustainably in a collaborative mode. Learn how to demystify mutual aid, leverage community connections, and embrace innovation.

Tools to Sustain and evaluate Your Program

Learn how to center equity and host retention, get policy support for your community and program, understand cost effectiveness, and co-create affirming feedback loops and evaluations.

Let’s Collaborate

By partnering with Point Source Youth, you’re joining a powerful group of change-makers committed to reshaping the landscape of youth homelessness in the U.S. Fill out the info below, and a member of our team will be in touch shortly!

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