Runaway & Homeless Youth Act Waivers Changes that Affect Service Providers
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Administration for Children & Families (ACF) has relaxed some of the requirements for administrative, financial management, and audit requirements for ACF grantees, which includes RHYA grant recipients. Also, on March 27th, the CARES Act was signed into law, which increases RHYA funding by $25 million. This funding will be used to supplement existing funds and will have no matching requirements.
ACF grantees no longer need to register for the System for Award Management (SAM) at the time of application.
Some applications for ACF funding now have more flexible deadlines. Check the ACF coronavirus website for more info.
For projects due to request continuation before December 31, 2020, ACF will accept a brief statement that indicates that the grantee is in a position to resume/restore their project activities and accept a planned continuation award. Check the ACF coronavirus website for updates on this.
ACF grantees can continue to charge salaries and benefits to active awards as long as they are consistent with the grantee’s policy of paying salaries from all funding sources.
Any costs incurred due to the COVID-19 pandemic (cancelling events, travel, or other necessary activities) can be covered by ACF funding.
At the grantee’s Program Office’s discretion, any allowable cost within ACG funding policy no longer requires prior approval. This applies only to costs directly related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Procurement requirements related to geographic preferences and contracting with small and minority businesses, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area firms are waived.
Due dates for financial, performance, and other reports are extended up to 3 months beyond the normal due date.
For expired projects, grantees can delay submission of any reports required for final closeout as long as they come in no later than one year after project expiration and proper notice about the delay is given to ACF.
ACF grantees can delay submission of the Single Audit reporting package up to 6 months beyond their normal due date.
If you are going to take advantage of any of these waivers, maintain documentation for your reasoning. This is the most recurring requirement for all waivers as protocol for requesting waivers is still being developed.
Try to keep in direct contact with your Grants Management Specialist and Project Officer so they can let you know if you need to submit any specific documentation or waiver requests.