How To Create a Successful School-Based Host Home Program
We worked with our partners in Northfield and Grand Rapids, Minnesota to compile the resources, best practices and learnings implementing school-based host homes in this free 16-page guidebook. Point Source Youth created this guidebook with the goal of you writing in it, adding to it, sharing it, or using it as a doorstop when you’re helping a young person move into their host home. This is your tool! Enjoy the handbook and, of course, the journey!
Explore More Resources!
Download the Host Homes Handbook
Explore our 119-page full color resource for those looking to start or expand host homes programs in their own communities
Looking for more in-depth resources and materials on developing/expanding host homes? Download our 119-page host homes handbook, featuring information on host recruitment, hiring the right staff, and working with youth to center their wants and needs throughout the whole process!
The 2nd Annual PSY Rural Conference on Youth Homelessness
Join us virtually for our 2nd Annual Rural Conference on Youth Homelessness on April 12-13, 2022 to learn more about creating successful host homes programs. Hear from rural youth advocates and leaders on formalizing informal host homes, recruiting affirming hosts, marketing your program and radical youth collaboration.