Announcing the Trust Youth Initiative in San Francisco
Image Description: A purple hand holds green money bills, with housing, saving, and deposit icons floating above.
Text reads: Announcing the Launch of the Trust Youth Initiative in San Francisco
The Trust Youth Initiative was first announced in New York City in 2021, with a first-phase pilot to provide 30 youth (ages 18–24) experiencing housing instability with direct cash transfer payments of $1,100 per month for up to 2 years to support their self-defined goals and pathways out of homelessness, as well as a one-time transfer of $3,000 to support an exit from homelessness. Now, as the movement to place power and resources in the hands of young people rapidly expands across the country, we are excited to announce our partnership with Larkin Street Youth Services, Chapin Hall at The University of Chicago, and UpTogether to launch the Trust Youth Initiative in San Francisco.
The Trust Youth Initiative in San Francisco received an initial $ 2 million investment from The City of San Francisco’s Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (SF HSH) which was then matched graciously with a $2 million grant from Google.
Direct Cash Transfer payments are determined by a thorough examination of the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) fair market rates, along with an analysis of rental markets, current housing availability, and relying on the expertise and lived experiences of local young people experiencing housing instability. The Trust Youth Initiative (TYI) in San Francisco will provide youth participants with monthly cash payments of $1,500 for up to 2 years, alongside a one-time transfer of $4,500 to support youth-defined goals to successfully exit homelessness. The two-year life cycle of the TYI program will be followed by a 12-month research and evaluation period during which the outcomes and efficacy of the program will be analyzed by our partners at Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago.
"Point Source Youth is thrilled to partner with Larkin Street Youth Services and Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago, with support from, to launch Direct Cash Transfers for youth experiencing homelessness in San Francisco,” said Larry Cohen, Executive Director & Co-Founder, Point Source Youth. “We continue to build on the incredible support and momentum for Direct Cash Transfers for Youth Experiencing homelessness, expanding on our work in New York City, Baltimore, and in three communities in the State of Oregon. We know that together we can end youth homelessness by placing power and resources directly in the hands of young people who are experts in their own lives.”
Point Source Youth envisions a world where all young people can enjoy the right to safety, stability, and joy. We believe that youth should be trusted to direct their own lives and that leadership by and advancement of the young people most impacted by the crisis of homelessness is paramount. The Trust Youth Initiative is a national movement, co-designed and co-led by young adults with lived experience of homelessness. Click below to read the full press release and learn more about how Direct Cash Transfers are globally recognized as one of the most effective and utilized mechanisms to eradicate poverty.
Meet the Direct Cash Transfers Team at Point Source Youth
Anjala Huff
Director, Direct Cash Transfers
Maddox Guerilla
Senior Consultant, Direct Cash Transfers
Landon (LJ) Woolston
Director, Direct Cash Transfers