Expanding Prevention, Treatment, and Care Ending HIV & Youth Homelessness in the South

The South is home to the most HIV infection rates in the country, and there’s a racial equity crisis connected. If current rates continue, half of all Black gay and bisexual men will have HIV in their lifetime, compared to 10% of white gay and bisexual men. Learn about the social determinants that put Black and Brown folks, LGBTQ+ youth, and youth experiencing homelessness at a greater risk of HIV exposure. Hear how equitable access to PReP across the South is critical to prevention efforts and leave with resources that can support newly diagnosed LGBTQ+ youth and ensure that they get sustainable access to the care they’re owed.


  • Kenyon Farrow, Vice President, Policy, Point Source Youth


  • Valencia Robinson, Founder/CEO, Mississippi in Action

  • Eric Paulk, Chief of Staff, ProGeorgia

  • Nathaniel Currie, Assistant Professor, Clark Atlanta University

  • Savvy Hughes, Youth Leader / Program Director, Better Dayz Youth Coalition


Working with Faith-Based Institutions and Communities


Introduction to Direct Cash Transfers: Community Buy-in and Support