2025 national Symposium

on Solutions to End Youth Homelessness

October 7-8, 2025

Baltimore, MD

Join over 800 advocates, service providers, youth leaders, policymakers, and funders from across the country for two powerful days of connection, learning, and movement-building in Baltimore this October!

Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more details!

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Direct Cash Transfers
(DCT-P) Handbook

This comprehensive guide is for advocates, service providers, and communities looking to implement Direct Cash Transfers as Prevention (DCT-P)—a powerful, youth-centered strategy to prevent homelessness.

National Prevention Learning Collaborative on Youth Homelessness

NPLC brings together national partners, local provider organizations, and youth with lived expertise from across the country who have expertise in youth homelessness prevention, housing stability, education, employment, well-being, health care and human services.

the New Financial Empowerment Platform for Youth Experiencing Homelessness

WorthIt provides free interactive skill-building for youth experiencing homelessness including tips on budgeting, building credit, and more!


CASH LA Direct Cash Transfers As Prevention Request for Proposal

our youth-centered solutions


Rapid re-housing provides youth with a lease in their own name in the housing of their choice. Youth receive a tailored rent subsidy for up to two years along with comprehensive case management.


Short-term host homes provide youth with an affirming, safe space to stay for 1-6 months with a well screened and well-matched mentor in their community.


Through DCT, Program staff distribute cash to youth either remotely or safely in person at a frequency that works best for them alongside optional support programs including higher education and career counseling in addition to traditional case management.


Together we can end youth homelessness